
About Us

We work together... usually from different places... as designers at Innovative Wood. As Artistic Moms, we know how hard it can be to find the time to create when it seems as though all your time is taken up attending to the other family members as well as with the mundane, every day things that need to get done. Together we are challenging ourselves to take back the "Artistic Me" and to stretch our creative muscles.

I have had the problem of losing myself, my identity, in other past relationships. It is so easy for me to put everyone elses needs ahead of my own, that I often don't realize the toll that it takes on me. I want my son to see a happy, creative, fun Mom and that means making the time to take care of myself and create. I think of creativity in its most basic form... the act of creating something. It could be a piece of art, a comfortable home, or even just a special meal. It's not about making something completely unique... just something that is personal, that is made with love.... and that will make it unique.

See some of our work at