
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Daily Creativity: The Girly-Girl

I have been in a bit of a rut lately. It's hard for me to get excited about creating much outside of work. In order to help get over this rut I picked up The Crafter's Devotional by Barbara R. Call. Today's exercise is to reuse old photographs. I'm not usually one to use old pictures, but I've got to start doign something different. I found this girl online... and of any old picture that I could have chosen, I pick a Girly-Girl. As I am looking at her, wondering what to do with her, I start thinking about how often I go without make-up, or just throw on whatever clothes are at the top of the drawer. I've never been a Girly-Girl, but I used to pay more attention to my appearance. Getting dressed and putting on makeup hasn't been fun lately... it's more of a chore. I want to get a little bit more of the Girly-Girl in me... just enough. I doubt that I will wear flowers in my hair... but we'll see about a dress.

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