
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Boy's Room Color Scheme

We are in a new space. We've been here for a little bit, but weren't sure how long we'd stay. Now that it looks like it's not exactly short term, I'm trying to make it feel more like home... especially for the boys.

My Little Man's Nursery at our old place was inspired by Where the Wild Things Are. I love how the colors a more muted and softer. But now that we are in a new space and he's in a big boy bed, I need to decide on a new color scheme.
I really like this quilt. The colors are fun without being too young. It will go with whatever character sheets the boys want. (Right now it's Spiderman... or as Little Man says "Batman") I think that this is something that could last through the teen years. It's just a matter of saving up... their room has a bunk bed and a seperate twin, so 3 quilts isn't exactly cheap.

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