
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Daily Creativity: Themes & Schemes

Often when I create something, I'm driven by color. Color is a powerful thing. It can create a mood or evoke an emotion. Choosing a color pallet for a project, whether it's a painting, a quilt, or a room, doesn't have to be hard. One thing that I do is find something, anything, that has the colors that give the mood that I'm looking for. In addition to simply looking at what colors appear in your inspiration, also look at the ratio. Which color is there the most of, and which are just accents.

This is an amazing kid's room based on Dr. Seuss. Even without the theme Cat in the Hat sheets or the clock mural, you still have a fun and playful vibe.

I love Amy Butler's fabric designs. She always uses really fresh color combinations. I love how the stormy grey and blue is punched up the the bright yellow-green color.

I like to pull colors straight from nature. You can tell that I'm ready for it to be fall already. I'm thinking about apples and changing leaves and curling up next to a fire with a good book. These are cozy and comforting colors to me.

There is lots of talk about Peacock being the "it" color this year. But the range of colors in a peacock feather is amazing. I had a hard time picking out just one green or one dark blue for this color scheme. The Peacock Feather has colors that seem fresh, but not out there. It goes with a multitude of styles.

I find this Green Orchid intriguing. The main green color keeps the pinks from being over bearing. There is just enough pink to make it feminine without being girly.

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